Quem viajou para o espaço ontem?


Quem viajou para o espaço ontem?

Quem viajou para o espaço ontem?

Os turistas espaciais Jared Isaacman, Hayley Arceneaux, Sian Proctor e Chris Sembroski vão viajar na nave Crew Dragon, da SpaceX, para chegar à órbita da Terra.

Quem viajou no espaço?

Marcos Pontes Até agora, o único brasileiro a ter ido ao espaço é o astronauta Marcos Pontes, que passou 8 dias na Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS, na sigla em inglês) em 2006. No caso, era um voo orbital: ele decolou da base de Baikonur, no Cazaquistão, a bordo da nave russa Soyuz-TMA, no dia 29 de março.

Why is Richard Branson a Sir?

Sir Richard Branson doesn’t do things like a sir. He is one. Richard Branson was knighted in December 1999 by Charles, Prince of England for his services to entrepreneurship and humanity. This is one of the highest honours a British citizen can get and one that even the richest people cannot buy, but only earn.

Was Richard Branson's'quest for the best'a flop?

But unlike Trump's hit Apprentice franchise, The Rebel Billionaire : Branson's Quest for the Best, a 2004 attempt, was a huge flop. "Branson's ratings were terrible, down the tubes," the future president roared in 2004.

What can we learn from Richard Branson's failures?

Any one of Branson’s failures could have derailed his entire career if he’d allowed it to, but the mark of a true entrepreneur is the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. A true adventurer in both business and life, Branson will continue pushing his limits -- and we can all stand to learn a bit from his bravado.

What happened to Richard Branson's Soda Company?

When his soda company fizzled. Virgin moved into new territory again in 1994 with the launch of Virgin Cola, a soda designed to compete with Coke and Pepsi. Early taste tests were promising, and early on, Branson had high hopes.

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