O que é swim em inglês?


O que é swim em inglês?

O que é swim em inglês?

nadar v. I like to swim in the club's pool.

Como se conjuga o verbo swim?

Conjugação do verbo inglês TO SWIM

  1. Indicativo.
  2. Presente. I swim. you swim. ...
  3. I am swimming. you are swimming. he is swimming. ...
  4. I swam. you swam. he swam. ...
  5. I was swimming. you were swimming. he was swimming. ...
  6. I have swum. you have swum. he has swum. ...
  7. I have been swimming. you have been swimming. he has been swimming. ...
  8. I had swum. you had swum.

Como fica o verbo swim no Simple Past?

a folha foi impressa ou imprimida?...swim.
Ihad swum
youhad swum
he, she, ithad swum
wehad swum
youhad swum

Qual o simple present de Swim?


Qual o present perfect de Swim?

Ihave swum
youhave swum
he, she, ithas swum
wehave swum
youhave swum

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