O que o grafite de Banksy representa?


O que o grafite de Banksy representa?

O que o grafite de Banksy representa?

Os obras de arte urbana atribuídas a Banksy são famosas por carregarem diversos questionamentos sobre a sociedade em que vivemos. Elas exibem mensagens com alto teor de crítica social, seja implícita ou explicitamente, e estão presentes em várias cidades do mundo, principalmente na Inglaterra.

What is Banksy’s style of Art?

Longing and whimsy, innocence and experience, irreverence and wit, as well as a penchant for the purely zany, coexist in Banksy’s work. A girl releases a heart-shaped balloon, one in a series of similar motifs produced in locations worldwide.

Who is Banksy and what did he do?

Find out more about the elusive British street artist and take a closer look at a selection of works by the art world's most notorious satirist in Sotheby's Banksy sale. 1. Although there has been a great deal of speculation over the years, Banksy’s true identity has never been revealed.

What does Banksy’s Banana mural look like?

The original version depicted two men pointing bananas, rather than the guns used in the film. This work was canceled from the city. But Banksy did not give up and recreated a second one, in which the two heroes are dressed in bananas. This mural depicts two kids playing with buckets and shovels, like creating sand castles on a beach.

Why is Banksy considered a guerrilla artist?

Because of the volatility and impermanence of Banksy's chosen canvas, i.e. the street and improvisational pop-up public places, he remains true to guerilla art's philosophy, being that the commodification of art is a blasphemous way to validate an artist within only a specific social sector or market.

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