Quem foi o sacerdote Wahtye?


Quem foi o sacerdote Wahtye?

Quem foi o sacerdote Wahtye?

Durante a Quinta Dinastia do Egito, houve um homem que trabalhou como sacerdote de alto escalão sob o rei Neferirkare Kakai. Ele era Wahtye, e a tumba que os arqueólogos egípcios descobriram há alguns anos pertence a ele.

Qual pirâmide mais antiga do mundo?

Pirâmide Escalonada de Djoser Em Saqqara está a Pirâmide Escalonada de Djoser, considerada a primeira pirâmide do mundo e a grande estrutura de pedra mais antiga.

Qual era o propósito da construção da pirâmides?

Tendo finalidade religiosa, acredita-se que as pirâmides serviam como túmulos para os antigos faraós do Egito.

What is the story of Wahtye?

Wahtye ( fl. 25th-century BC) was a high-ranking priest and official who served under King Neferirkare Kakai during the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt. In November 2018, it was announced that Wahtye's tomb had been found at the Saqqara necropolis.

What is the meaning of the inscription of Wahtye?

In the documentary, it is also revealed that there is an inscription that reads: “Wahtye, Purified priest to the King, Overseer of the Divine Estate, overseer of the Sacred Boat, Revered with the great God, Wahtye.”

How old was Wahtye when he died?

Amira Shaheen studied Wahtye's bones and learned that he was a delicate man, and possibly just 35 years old when he died. The bones of his lower limbs indicated that he was unhealthy and potentially suffered from anemia like his mother.

What is the significance of the tomb of Wat Wahtye?

Wahtye was a high-ranking priest and official who served under King Neferirkare Kakai during the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt Wahtye's tomb is a lavish one -- it was filled with unique artifacts, statues, and its walls were covered in hieroglyphics telling the story of Wahtye's life.

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